
Screen Printer With 2D Solder Inspection

Prey By Detechs Automatic Hawk Screen Printer offers high quality and reliable solder paste printing for PCB Assembly. A robust platform offers excellent repeatability ensuring a consistently high level of print.

The Inline system has an automatic vision recognition system combined with a high-precision servo drive to achieve fast and accurate alignment; this gives a print accuracy level of +/- 0.01mm. A total cleaning system, with a sub 7 second cycle time ensures high printing quality while reduced downtime for cleaning.

A Windows 10 OS backed by an easy-to-understand graphical user interface makes using the system extremely simple. Featuring a range of controllable functions such as: setting of printing height, squeegee pressure, printing stroke, print speed and stencil cleaning cycle.

The Hawk is designed to maintain a high print quality at a very competitive cost while still offering the flexibility needed for today’s modern PCB requirements.

Contact us for more information or to request a live demonstration at [email protected] or call us on +44 (0)1262 409944

More Information…

The Hawk Screen Printer comes with all options such as cleaning and 2D inspection as standard. Detech also includes several different board support types as well as varying lengths of squeegee to create a fully flexible print solution.

The stencil cleaning system includes 3 cleaning types, dry, wet and vacuum. These three modes can be individually selected or combined for a total cleaning solution. The system allows manual cleaning through its operation menu if this is preferred.

The print head has been designed to control pressures at the front and rear squeegees, this gives a high level of control to maintain consistent and defined print, without scooping or slumping. Each squeegee’s pressure can be independently programmed offering maximum flexibility.

Fully included with the Hawk Screen Printer from 2021 there is now a 2D inspection module built into the software, this allows for the checking the solder pastes definition of print to alert you to any misprints that could be caused by low solder deposits due to lack of solder on the stencil as well as also checking for blocked apertures.

Contact Us

Prey By Detech Limited

The Farm Office, Model Farm,

Atwick Road, Bewholme,

East Riding of Yorkshire,

YO25 8DT, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 (0)1262 409944

Email: [email protected]